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The shoes Boni & Sidonie

To export to Europe, the Breton company Boni & Sidonie he was able to count on Amazon.

To export to Europe, the Breton company Boni & Sidonie has been able to rely on AmazonBoni & Sidonie What

Responsible shoes not found

The need arose: failing to find the shoes they were looking for for their son, Oriane and Boniface de Castellane decided to create them. We wanted classic shoes, made in Europe with quality leather," says Boniface. The reconversion was decided, so the couple flew away for Spain, hoping to find the specialized manufacturers that no longer existed in France. The specifications? Shoes taking the foothills of fashion, made as close to home with leather responsible for ecological or vegetable tanning. In 2014, Boni & Sidonie commercializes its first creations, closed sandals that eight years later are still among the best sellers.

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This Breton TPE has managed to make itself known in the "Internet jungle

Starting your online business is a real challenge for TPEs. To develop, Boniface and Oriane, founders of the brand of shoes for children Boni & Sidonie, in Morbihan, appealed to Amazon. Successfully.

The company sells on Amazon its children's shoes, made in Europe. Boni&Sidonia

In 2013, Boniface and Oriane sought to offer their son quality shoes made in Europe. Without success. That's where it was born Boni & Sidonie : a brand of children's shoes made in Europe, made to last. From the start of his business, Oriane and Boniface made the choice of selling only on the Internet. A decision taken, despite "tough beginnings" , recognizes the founder of the brand. "We had to make ourselves known in the internet jungle. In the first few months, there was almost no sale, because of a bad SEO.".

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Boni and Sidonia, classic for the feet of the little ones in Auray

By Emmanuel Aumonier

13 July 2022 at 07:32

Boniface and Oriane de Castellane, installed in Auray, since 2018, offer children's shoes with three main words: classicism, ecology and quality.

Boniface and his wife Oriane, founders of the children's shoe brand "Boni&Sidonie", installed in Auray. (The Telegram/Stéphanie Le Bail)

Why did you decide to get into the kids' shoe?

At the time, I worked in sales for the publisher Hachette, at retail and my wife worked in culture. We had our first boy in 2013 and it was extremely difficult to find classic shoes to wear to change sneakers. We said that there was a niche and we did a market study, visited about fifteen small craft companies in Spain and we started selecting and imagining models, before launching the brand, Boni and Sidonia. Boni, for my first name, Boniface, and Sidonia is my wife's middle name. Today, I'm more "technical" i.e. I take care of the site or referencing and my wife is more about the artistic part.

We couldn't find anything!": they throw their own brand of child shoes

After the birth of their son, Boniface and Oriane, based in Carnac (Morbihan), hoped to find child shoes that were not made in Asia, certainly cheaper but less ecological. They created, in 2014, Boni & Sidonie, ultra-classical children's shoes, made in Europe, at affordable prices.

West France

Sibylle LAURENT.

Published the 09/07/2022 à 07h00

At Boni & Sidonie, everything's family! Sending packages, logistics, customer tracking, photos for the website... Here, Boniface and Oriane, with their son Jean. WEST FRANCE

Don't tell them about sneakers! Because then, Boniface will blow with a smile: We find sneakers as much as we want, but small classic shoes, at reasonable prices, it's not so easy to find.. But that's probably how Boniface and Oriane, a couple of quinquas based in Carnac (Morbihan), had the right idea: to launch a brand of children's shoes, local, affordable, ecological. ...

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